Sunday 25 January 2009

Ring o' Death (and other updates)

So, it seems that my 360 has gone tits up again, and I'm not entirely sure where this leaves me.

I'm going to go through the usual hassle of phoning up Microsoft, talking to an automated message for a few minutes (or hours, depending on whether the peppy arsewipe decides to be helpful or ask me the same question eight times in a row), and then talking to some bloke in Asia for another few minutes (or hours, depending on how many times he asks me to spell out my surname), to see if I can get a free repair. If that's is the case, I'll be out of game reviews for a week or two. If I can't get a free repair, then I'll pop into town, get myself a new 360, and there won't be any delays, fuss, or whatever.

In the meantime, I feel like I've played enough of Fallout 3 to get a review done. Well, I've played it enough to internally destroy my console, at any rate. So expect a review of that by the end of the week. You'll also have noticed that I'm churning out film reviews over the weekends, and that's because I've been toddling off to the cinema every Friday. This is a routine that I'll be continuing for the foreseeable future, so expect another film review every weekend.

The reaction to my Oscars overview was surprisingly positive, considering it was fairly uninformed and only covered about a third of the awards, so I will probably be doing more of a similar thing. If anyone knows any sites that have up-to-date game, TV or film news, I'd appreciate if you could link me to them so that I could, er, borrow their material. It'll end up being similar to the Oscar nominations overview; I'll give an opinion, throw in a few jokes if I can, you probably won't laugh - you know the drill.

You're probably sick of hearing me harp on about how I've got a video review planned, and I figured it's about time I updated you on that. I haven't really done much for the Heroes review so far, I'm probably waiting until February half term for that, so that I can go through the series again. But, in the meantime, I've decided to do a video review on the new series of Skins, a sort of teen drama-y thing. Only thing I know for sure is that it's going to be quite short, as I've only got one episode to work with, and that it will contain as much swearing as my middle-class politeness boundaries will allow me to include. Ho-hum. Anyway, I should get that done fairly soon.

Right, there you are, an update of sorts. Does anyone actually read these things? Oh, feedback is appreciated, hope you've enjoyed everything, hope you keep reading, sorry for spamming various forums and Facebook with links to this site, please don't hate me, etcetera etcetera.



For that matter, does anyone read this bit either?

Knows he needs to get out more, stop telling him that -


Tremont said...

That sucks man :(

Anonymous said...

I always use for organising repairs, its much easier.

If you have an xbox live gold gamertag, you can just link it to your console, and add an address.

Its then literally a few clicks to get it all set up for pick up.