Thursday 8 January 2009

Game Review: Castle Crashers

It's not often that independent games make such a big name for themselves on the 360 but Castle Crashers, developed by The Behemoth for Xbox Live Arcade, has caused a hell of a stir among the community. Naturally, I had to check this one out, and see what all the fuss was about.

Castle Crashers is, fundamentally, a 2D side-scroller. As one of four knights you'll traverse a uniquely styled world, fighting hordes of baddies, on a quest to save some kidnapped princesses. It's as basic as you like, barely changed from the classic side-scrollers of days gone by, but it's a class above the typical Golden Axe pretender.

One reason for this, is the fantastic gameplay. While it's nothing particularly new or original, Castle Crasher's fast paced and accessible gameplay makes it furiously addictive and fun. The baddies aren't particularly varied at first, but as you progress you'll gradually meet bigger, tougher enemies, and the extra challenge offered by these baddies will keep the game fresh and interesting from beginning to end, and several times over after that. And, of course, there's the occasional boss fight to spice things up, and really keep you on your toes. What Castle Crashers does is basic, but it's brilliant, and a tremendously fun experience every time you play.
Blue Castle Crashers get all the bitches.

Castle Crashers also boasts a solid role playing element. As well as a ton of different weapons and creature orbs (essentially cute floating animals that assist you in the game), each with their own benefits and flaws, you'll will be able to customise the skills of each individual character to you're liking, allowing for a different character every time you play through the game. With several extra characters to unlock, and each character having their own unique ability, Castle Crashers has a massive amount of replay-ability, an incredible feat for a game which appears so basic.

As well as the single player, Castle Crashers also offers excellent multiplayer features, supporting up to four players both locally and online. Not only can you play through the story with up to three other players, but there are also versus matches available. Each type of versus tests different skills and styles from the single player, and reflects the same frantic, addictive and fun characteristics that made the story mode so fun. With great versus and co-operative modes, Castle Crashers' multiplayer is one of the most fun and addictive experiences available on the 360.

The true brilliance of Castle Crashers lies in the superb artwork. The style is unique, interesting, and varied, with each character having a defining quality, making them distinguishable even in the hectic multiplayer modes. The worlds, too, look fantastic, ranging from dense forests to desert castles and even alien space ships, all of which are a joy to play through. The defining aspect of Castle Crasher's art style is the humour blended into it, which is brilliantly immature, and really adds to the enjoyment and the experience.
Sometimes it's best not to worry about the beast chasing you, and just laugh at the deer shitting itself.

The only possible downside to Castle Crashers' gameplay is the difficulty level, which quickly increases and you play, and sky rockets during boss battles. Because of this, you might find that you'll be replaying the same level several times over, either for experience or gold, which can become a little tedious when you realise you've stopped making progress. It's hardly a game killer, but it's a minor irritation that stops Castle Crasher from being the perfect side-scroller.

Castle Crashers is a slick, fiendishly addictive game that needs to be experienced by everyone who still holds fond childhood memories of classic side-scrollers. Completely revitalising the genre with it's random humour, superb art style and fun, flowing gameplay, Castle Crashers is a superb addition to the Xbox Live Arcade, and for only 1200 Microsoft Points it's surely a must-purchase.


I think I've just become an early contender for writing the most outdated review of 2009. And if this doesn't win it: next up, Braid!

Promises he'll try and do a longer one next time -

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent review, again.