Monday 5 January 2009

New year, new write ups

As you've probably noticed I've been writing myself into an imitation wanker's cramp over Christmas, and in 2009 I'm hoping that my schedule will be similarly busy.

I've got my next four game reviews lined up, and I'm finally catching up on the stuff that I didn't have time (or couldn't afford to) review in the build up to Christmas.

First, it will be Call of Duty: World at War, the latest game in the Call of Duty series. At the moment it's taking up just about all my time on the 360, and I'm more than ready to review that now. Hopefully I'll get that written up before the end of the week. Then it's Left 4 Dead, the new Valve release. I haven't had too much time to play it, since I've been too busy with World at War, but what I have played is excellent. Wait, can I legitimately claim that I'm busy with a game?

The other two that I'll hopefully be reviewing are two of 2008's Xbox Live Arcade hits, Castle Crashers - a 2D hack and slash which I'm having immense fun with - and Braid, a classy, sophisticated, puzzle game thing with mental time bending skills. These have been out for a while, but since nothing new has really grabbed my interest (and isn't as cheap), I figured it was time to get them reviewed.

There's also the possibility that the Fable 2 downloadable content, Knothole Island, will finally be available, after what feels like several million delays. It's actually only two delays, but I'm a bit of a Fable fanboy, so it feels like an eternity to me. Yeah, I know I'm a dork, shut up.

"But what about films?" I hear absolutely nobody asking, "What films will you be writing about this month?". Well, with The Spirit out of the way, the next one I'll be looking at is Che: The Argentine. I've heard great things about this from the aftermath of the Cannes Film Festival (ooh, how sophisticated am I?), so hopefully this will be a good 'un.

Finally, there's the video review. I've been planning on doing it for months now, and thanks to a friend of mine I can finally get started. When I say started, I do literally mean "started". I've got very little at the moment, apart from a few ideas and the irritating sound of my own voice fluttering around my head, but now that I've got the material I can get to it very, very soon. Hopefully you'll get a kick out of watching it, as there isn't too much of me in it. Promise.

So, that's pretty much it for now, I'll make other updates as and when they're needed. Although, to be honest, they're mostly for me, so that I have a clear idea of what I'm doing over the month, but if anyone else is interested by them then that's always a bonus. I hoped you enjoyed the write ups last month, I've had some really good feedback from people and it's massively appreciated.



Oh yeah, and Happy New Year. Hope you all got sufficiently bladdered.

Suggest a New Years Resolution, because I'm too lazy to think of one -

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:o Have mah bebes kthnx.