Monday 2 February 2009

February. baby

Since I've hit a giant metaphorical brick wall with this review script I figured I'd get on with updating this thing, since I've been leaving it to gather dust for a couple of days and I reckon it feels neglected and unloved.

The 360 is getting "fixed" at the moment, sent it off with UPS the other day so I'm hoping it will be back sometime during the week, so long as they're not scared of the half inch of slush on the roads. When it does come back I'm not entirely sure what I'll be reviewing for it, but I'm sure I'll find something fairly recent to sink my critiquing teeth into. That Lord of The Rings thing sounds sufficiently bad enough for me to have fun writing about.

For films...actually I can totally give you a decent update for this! That's a first, eh? This Friday I'll be seeing Doubt, which has been nominated for a fair few Academy Awards if I remember right. Then it's Vicky Christina Barcelona the Friday after, a kind of romantic Spanish thing which likely contains too many sex scenes for me to comfortably watch it when surrounded by the middle aged women that usually frequent my favourite cinema, so I'm expecting an uncomfortable few hours of nervously crossing my legs and trying to cough myself limp.

I'll also be seeing The Class at the end of the month but that leaves a fortnight in which there isn't really anything I'm that bothered about seeing. So, if there's anything at the cinema that you're not too sure about seeing, give me a nudge in the comments section and I'll give it a thought.

TV wise, there isn't really that much I'm bothered about watching. I might do an episode-by-episode thing for Skins building up to the video review - which is coming along nicely - but apart from that I'm not sure. There just doesn't seem to be anything worth watching on.

Anyway, another month, another update. Now I have to find another way to kill some time. I've heard good things about drying paint.



Oh, I should probably start doing coursework too... yeah right

May or may not have eaten yellow snow by accident -

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