Knowing the kind of random people I find on the internet, it was only a matter of time before someone suggested that my logo should feature a walrus and an AK 47. And here, thanks to invisibleninja7 / David, is the logo that resulted from that lengthy, intelligent discussion regarding large mammals and assault rifles.
Oh yeah, I should probably mention some review stuff, right? I've got a couple of game reviews lined up, including 'Far Cry 2' and 'Fable 2', and it's possible I'll be doing one or two more.
As for films, I'm looking to review the new Bond flick 'Quantum of Solace', partly because I love Bond, partly because I want to find out what the name is all out.
As well as the usual Heroes episode reviews, I'm planning to do a series review of E4's 'Dead Set'. If you haven't heard of 'Dead Set', it's essentially Big Brother meets 28 Days Later.
So there you go, hopefully you'll come back and enjoy reading the reviews when they're up, and I hope you've enjoyed some of my recent writing.
Tell me that you'd never waste your time e-mailing me -
That Walrus actually looks like you lol!
I friggin' lol'd.
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