Sunday 12 October 2008

Going to be a slow month…

Since I’m no longer working, and since I’m still paying for review material, I’m going to be pretty limited in terms of what I can and can’t review for a month or two.

I’m still going to be writing, and regular visitors will have noticed I’m currently reviewing the third season of Heroes as an episode-by-episode thing, and I’m looking out for more cheap/free reviews that are available. It’s just unlikely I’ll be reviewing new games and films for a while. I’ll still manage to churn out one or two, but I won’t be writing as much as I’d like.

In the meantime, I’ve finally put a hit counter up. The plan was to use this a temporary site, checking to see what the traffic is like, and if it’s any good I’ll move to a paid host and see if I can get any money back from my reviews. There hasn’t really been a way for me to check what this site’s traffic was like, apart from vague estimations from the amount of feedback I had, and the hit counter should help me out with that.

You’ll also notice some adverts at the top of the site. It’s more experimental than anything else, I’m interested to see what kind of adverts I get, and whether or not I could generate any money from here. I’ll probably take them down after a while, but I’ll leave them up there for now, and see I anything interesting crops up. Who knows, maybe the pocket change I’ll make from them will help pay for a couple of extra reviews.

So yeah, there’s an update for you guys, hope it helps explain why I haven’t been writing many game reviews this month. I am actively looking for work, and I’ve signed on for Job Seeker’s allowance, so I should be able to get back to reviewing new material very soon. Until then, I’ll be writing a review of the latest Heroes episode every week, and I’m considering suggestions or requests people have made for reviews.



Yes, that means I'm finally pulling my finger out of my arse and answering some review requests.

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